袁卫国(赵文瑄 饰)因不堪儿子孤独症折磨,与妻子离婚后又和新欢慧雅(王琳 饰)结合,抛弃了妻子与一双儿女。多年后,母亲病逝,巳成家的葡萄(李沁 饰)承抯起照顾哥哥袁望(张欢 饰)和被领养妹妹袁心(王可昕 饰)的重任,为了患孤独症的哥哥,工作弄丟了,婆家人又不理解,葡萄只有顽强地坚持着。生活的艰辛磨砺了葡萄的性格,她从绝望中坚定了人生的信念,破茧化蝶般成为一个大爱无疆的女人。后来,袁卫国出现了,可当初负心的父亲已得了尿毒症,生命垂危,葡萄又一次站在了人生的十字路口上。面对曾经自私的父亲,还有趁人之危的小三,更有同父异母的弟妹,葡萄能否再次选择关爱与包容......
4.0 草根王[电影解说]
4.0 一不小心捡到爱[电影解说]
10.0 没有名字的女人们2018[电影解说]
7.0 酸酸甜甜[电影解说]
9.0 赫尔戈兰岛[电影解说]
2024 电影解说简介: Helgoland is set in 2034 after after a global apocalypse, where the North Sea island of Helgoland has become humanity's last safe haven. A totalitarian society has been established that only allows 513 people on the island and as resources are scarce, an inhumane 'social ranking' system evalsuates the lives of the inhabitants according to their 'usefulness.' At there same time, a dangerous force from the mainland prepares to invade. -
3.0 零日风暴[电影解说]