A controversial artist is dead, apparently the victim of a botched robbery at his suburban estate. Take-no-prisoners journalist Maddie Magellan is unconvinced, and she casts her suspicions on the deceased's possessive wife and his frivolous mistress. But one was in her city office at the time of death, and the other was bound, gagged and blindfolded by the "robber". A chance meeting with Jonathan Creek, a famous illusionist's technical advisor, leads Maddie to believe that his "lateral mind" may allow him to see through the deceptions in the case, and she recruits the reluctant genius as her partner.
5.0 死亡印记[电影解说]
2025 电影解说简介:影集《死亡印記》(Just One Look)是 Netflix 即將推出的波蘭懸疑驚悚迷你劇,改編自知名作家 Harlan Coben 的同名小說。該劇以層層遞進的懸疑情節與扣人心弦的敘事風格,講述一名女子因發現一張神秘老照片,意外揭開丈夫過去的陰暗秘密,進而捲入一場危機四伏的謊言與真相交錯之戰。 《死亡印記》的主角 Greta(Maria Dębska 飾)原本擁有一段幸福的婚姻與穩定的生活,她的丈夫 Jacek(Cezary Łukaszewicz 飾)是她最信任的人。然而,一張意外發現的老照片徹底顛覆了她的認知。在這張照片中,Jacek 與一名陌生男子並肩而立,而對方的臉卻被刻意劃掉。當她試圖向丈夫詢問照片的來歷時,Jacek 竟冷漠否認自己是照片中的人,甚至開始對她隱瞞行蹤。不久後,Jacek 神秘失蹤,Greta 頓時陷入極度的不安與困惑。 -
8.0 病毒入侵[电影解说]
2016 电影解说简介:近未来,神秘的菲拉病毒肆意蔓延,感染者免疫力下降,经历几个发病阶段后会变得极为疯狂。他们会攻击其他人,而被感染者也很快会转化为丧失人性的攻击者,国际大都会纽约就此沦陷。这一日,前医生劳伦·蔡斯(瑞秋·尼科尔斯 Rachel Nichols 饰)受命前往一个补给站去取回89个菲拉病毒的血样,并寻找幸存者。这次征程凶险非常,稍不留神就会死于非命。小分队刚刚驶出隔离区,就遭到大批感染者的袭击。经过血腥的对抗,他们总算完好无缺冲出重围。 然而这一路险象环生,并且计划发生了变更,谁也不知道自己的命运将会如何…… -
2.0 浪漫向左,婚姻往右[电影解说]
1.0 真情年代[电影解说]
7.0 幻术大师:角力者的坟墓[电影解说]
1997 电影解说简介:A controversial artist is dead, apparently the victim of a botched robbery at his suburban estate. Take-no-prisoners journalist Maddie Magellan is unconvinced, and she casts her suspicions on the deceased's possessive wife and his frivolous mistress. But one was in her city office at the time of death, and the other was bound, gagged and blindfolded by the "robber". A chance meeting with Jonathan Creek, a famous illusionist's technical advisor, leads Maddie to believe that his "lateral mind" may allow him to see through the deceptions in the case, and she recruits the reluctant genius as her partner. -
9.0 媳妇的美好时代[电影解说]
2009 电影解说简介:正所谓不是冤家不聚首,美丽的女护士毛豆豆(海清 饰)通过婚介和职业摄影师余味(黄海波 饰)相亲。互不相识的两人因为一碗牛肉面闹得不欢而散,谁知三番五次相亲总会碰到对方。冥冥中姻缘天注定,两人从最初的抵触到理解,彼此心中渐渐萌生爱意。 然而结婚毕竟不是两个人的事情。余味的父母早年离婚又各自成家,婆婆的烦恼比别人家多了一倍不说,还有一个神经兮兮的妹妹余好(岳跃 饰);毛豆豆也是麻烦多多,先是因未来的婆婆丢掉工作,弟弟毛锋(林申 饰)还花心非常,在女人堆儿里穿梭往来,豆豆结婚后还要面对两个婆婆和小姑子的种种刁难。爱情的道路上充满辛酸坎坷,喜怒哀乐……