剧集故事以位于苏格兰海岸外北海危险海域的Kishorn Bravo石油钻井平台为背景,当船员们即将返回大陆时,一场神秘的、全方位的大雾席卷而来,他们发现自己与岸边和外界的所有联系都被切断了。当钻井平台受到巨大的震动时,船员们努力探索是什么在驱动着这股未知的力量,但一场重大的事故迫使他们对自己真正能信任的人产生了疑问。
5.0 追凶1992
9.0 百年孤独
2.0 红色区域
2024 海外简介:Maya, a wood factory worker. After losing her parents, Maya had to struggle to support her younger brother, Adi. As an older sister, Maya always tried to keep Adi safe and out of trouble. Maya's efforts were successful at first. Adi and Maya's lives were peaceful. However, the peace of life suddenly changed drastically when Adi suddenly disappeared without a trace. Maya immedia... -
5.0 黑鸽第一季
8.0 塞纳
10.0 道格拉斯被取消了
2024 海外简介:“Douglas Is Cancelled” will see Hugh Bonneville play a middle aged and widely-respected news anchor called Douglas Bellowes while Gillan stars as his canny sidekick Madeline. Douglas lives a perfect life. He enjoys his privileged status as national treasure and host of current affairs show “Live at Six” while off-air he shares a harmonious home with wife Sheila, a newspaper edi...