17世纪末,马萨诸塞的偏远小镇塞勒姆,孔武男子约翰·奥登(夏恩·韦斯特 Shane West 饰)告别心爱的女子玛丽(詹尼特·蒙特戈里 Janet Montgomery 饰)赶赴战场。不久后,怀有身孕的玛丽为防止遭到镇长乔治·西布里(Michael Mulheren 饰)的迫害,与另一世界的神秘力量缔结了可怕契约。转眼七年过去,饱经风霜的约翰回到塞勒姆,却发现这里已经变成血腥阴森的人间地狱。道貌岸然的清教徒牧师柯顿·马修(塞斯·盖贝尔 Seth Gabel 饰)坚信小镇已被巫师侵蚀,因此痛下杀手残害每一个他所认定的嫌疑人。玛丽则意外嫁给西布里,其精致华美的外表下,掩藏着不可告人的阴谋。
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2024 美国简介:Earth Abidesis a new take on George R. Stewart’s sci-fi novel of the same name. When a plague of unprecedented virulence sweeps the globe, the human race is all but wiped out. In the aftermath, as the great machine of civilization slowly and inexorably breaks down, only a few shattered survivors remain to struggle against the slide into extinction. Ish is a brilliant but solita... -
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