2009年,印度孟买闹市街头。衣着光鲜的成功人士巴赫在一间电话亭内进行一桩秘密交易。他是一名小有成就的银行家,从上到下一身名牌,妻子美艳,女儿乖巧,虽然有着令人欣羡的家境事业,但其为人傲慢,花心放荡,为了财富和荣誉不惜染黑双手。正当他准备离开电话亭时,一通陌生电话打了进来。对方知晓他一切罪恶勾当,并且正躲在附近某栋大厦内监控着他,稍有轻举妄动便会遭到狙击。 不久之后,一名瘾君子死于电话亭前。神态惶恐的巴赫开始吸引路人注意,警察、媒体、政客乃至全国人民都聚焦在这个小小电话亭之上,巴赫被迫向全国人揭开自己的伪装,以及这个国家政坛背后的不为人知的惊天丑闻。
5.0 哈根2024
2024 动作简介: With a sense of duty and iron toughness, the Burgundian weapon master Hagen von Tronje holds the crisis-ridden kingdom together. In doing so, he suppresses his secret love for the king's daughter Kriemhild and represses his own dark past. When the legendary dragon slayer Siegfried of Xanten appears in Worms and threatens the old structures with his unpredictable nature, Hagen progressively turns into a tragic figure. The fantasy film is a new interpretation of the Nibelung saga and captivates with its fantastic scenery and brilliantly choreographed combat scenes. -
3.0 苍月
6.0 峨眉功夫
2.0 大漠孤侠2025
9.0 边境奇袭
8.0 瀚海神龙