随着摇摇欲坠的乡间豪宅“巴顿庄园(Button House)”再次打开它那吱吱作响的大门,现任宅主和他们不安分的室友——一群经久不散的灵魂之间渐渐共享了一种不同寻常的“同一屋檐下”。但是,手头拮据的艾莉森(Alison)和迈克(Mike)将这意外的遗产改造成豪华酒店的梦想,依旧遥不可及。那群“鬼魂小分队”室友是否能为他们带来需要的资金,还是将制造更大的混乱,等着他们埋单?
4.0 黑色处决令
6.0 十字区的最后国王第二季
2028 欧美简介: eason two will dive deeper into the seductive and dangerous world of Kings Cross, Sydney, as Ibrahim expands his empire into the booming queer nightclub scene in the ecstasy-fuelled early 2000s. The stakes are higher than ever before, and everyone wants a piece — including John’s two younger brothers. -
8.0 驯荒记
5.0 猎犬山
10.0 人设骗局第二季
6.0 我杀人第六季