三十年代旧上海,各方势力纠结,错综复杂。乡下青年小虎(元彪 饰)来至上海,寻找在英租界担任军官上校的哥哥大虎(林子祥 饰)。然抵达当晚便遭遇一场枪战火拼,双方为了一笔巨额的海外捐款大打出手,死伤无数。
在新结识的马戏团好友帮助下,小虎成功找到哥哥。大虎为人正直,疾恶如仇,但在这样的乱世他的力量微薄。由于无力铲除租界内的毒品走私活动,他被上司派去保护巨鳄金爷(洪金宝 饰)从海外归来的干女儿宋璧君(梅艳芳 饰)。宋曾是大虎的恋人,如今为追查失踪的捐款潜回上海。爱情、友情、亲情以及国家道义,在旧上海发生了激烈的碰撞……
2.0 血与油
2024 动作简介:Colombian music icon Juanes plays Moisés, the eldest of three brothers plying this perilous trade and the linchpin of the operation, while Alberto Guerra delivers a compelling performance as Ulises, a man paralyzed by conflicting decisions and haunted by fear and grief. When Juan (Alejandro Speitzer) — the youngest of the brothers — is coerced into working for a more powerful, rival criminal organization, the shocking underbelly of the business is laid bare and there are tragic consequences. -
7.0 必殺仕事人2023
3.0 世界大战:辐射
3.0 这个大侠有点怂
7.0 老手2
3.0 超危险保镖