因警方的一批枪械丢失,飞虎队简sir(冯淬帆 饰)被上峰怒批,并受命重新组建训练霸王花。简sir与吴长官(胡慧中 饰)的婚后生活如同经受特训,看着家中“霸王花之家”的牌匾每日心神不宁。简sir与忠诚手下阿南(楼南光 饰)将所有不顺迁怒于再度集合受训的五名霸王花,试图将她们全部淘汰来挽回飞虎队面子。岂料阿南反与Susana(叶子楣 饰)、May(惠英红 饰)、Amy(吴君如 饰)等五名队员勾结,摆了简sir一道。五名霸王花各有所长,终于从简sir的地狱训练中全部合格,开始执行卧底任务,今次霸王花将登山赌船,查探日本、台湾、马来西亚三地赌届高手挑战赌王一事的幕后真相……
1.0 威廉·退尔
2.0 恶行之外
5.0 忍者蝙蝠侠大战极道联盟
2025 动作简介:Only a day after returning from the past, Batman and his allies discover that the world isn't quite the same as they left it. The entire island of Japan no longer exists and neither do the heroes of the Justice League. But before they can get a handle on what is going on, yakuza literally start raining from the skies. -
4.0 恶兽
9.0 赤血营救
9.0 内心之火