“鲁班神斧门”传人朱停(杨树 饰)得知陆小凤(张智霖 饰)手中持有伪造的大通宝钞银票后,差捕头将陆小凤骗入天牢。原印版朱停已毁,须找到朱停师兄岳青(唐启龙 饰)再刻新版,但岳已死于几年前的瘟疫。唯一能补救的是马上找到岳的女儿无艳(杨丽菁 饰),大通宝钞东家公子花满楼(张智尧 饰)差人将陆小凤放出天牢,在酒宴中暗下“三日摧魂散”,责令陆小凤三日破案,否则无解药自毙性命。陆小凤找到大通宝钞掌柜钱老大(黄平环 饰),针对假钞分析一番断定,伪造银票来自风月场极乐楼。月黑风高之夜,陆小凤与朋友司空摘星(张明达 饰)造访极乐楼,意外发现了岳青的女儿无艳姑娘和花满楼,种种迹象表明,极乐楼与伪造银票有重大联系......
3.0 虎口夺金
5.0 破碎
1.0 九州千秋令
3.0 在失落之地
5.0 哈根2024
2024 动作简介: With a sense of duty and iron toughness, the Burgundian weapon master Hagen von Tronje holds the crisis-ridden kingdom together. In doing so, he suppresses his secret love for the king's daughter Kriemhild and represses his own dark past. When the legendary dragon slayer Siegfried of Xanten appears in Worms and threatens the old structures with his unpredictable nature, Hagen progressively turns into a tragic figure. The fantasy film is a new interpretation of the Nibelung saga and captivates with its fantastic scenery and brilliantly choreographed combat scenes. -
3.0 苍月