喜欢泰国吗?是不是也对泰国的美食欲罢不能呢?那么这部“舌尖上的泰国”你也不容错过!一起来看《食味暹罗》 感受泰国传统文化和美食带来的魅力。
漫漫人生路 唯有爱与美食不可辜负 看御膳房姐妹如何烹饪宫廷美食,品味不一样的泰式风味。cr:弯弯泰语组
7.0 昨日良妻
10.0 冬日微暖
7.0 泰版大叔的爱
2.0 新版天真有邪
9.0 异世界来的男生
1.0 尚岷与丁尼奥
2024 泰国简介: 该项目将由韩国和泰国合作,故事由两国的两位主角主演。 韩国欧巴 Sangmin 十多年后重返泰国。他与老朋友 Dinneaw 重逢,后者现在已是一位英俊的年轻人。他们之间兄弟般的情谊开始发展成更深厚的关系。 The project will be a collaboration between Korea and Thailand as the story features two lead actors from the two countries. South Korean Oba Sangmin returns to Thailand after more than a decade. He reunited with his old friend Dinneaw, who is now a handsome young man. Their brotherly friendship began to develop into a deeper relationship.