星野达郎(武田鉄矢 饰),42岁,某建设管理公司的万年系长。其貌不扬的他事业平平,爱情道路上更是诸多坎坷。到目前为止,他已经参加99次相亲,却无一例外遭到拒绝。与之相对,达郎的弟弟纯平(江口洋介 饰)年青俊朗,风度翩翩,备受异性的瞩目,这令达郎颇为汗颜。再又一次相亲路上,达郎结识了美丽的大提琴手矢吹薰(浅野温子 饰)。薰曾有一名深爱的恋人,但在3年前的结婚典礼前夕恋人因故去世,致使薰久久沉浸在痛失所爱的悲伤中无法自拔。虽有一波三折,但在纯平和薰的妹妹千惠(田中律子 饰)的努力下,达郎和薰的关系渐渐融洽。
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2024 日本简介:Rescue: HI-Surf is an action drama that follows the personal and professional lives of the heavy-water lifeguards who patrol and protect the North Shore of O’ahu—the most famous and dangerous stretch of coastline in the world. Each episode will feature these dedicated, heroic, and adrenaline-seeking first-responders saving lives in the difficult and often life-threatening condi... -
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