帕拉恰克(杰西达邦·福尔迪 Tik Jesdaporn Pholdee 饰)尽管出生于名门望族,但他的家族正面临着日益衰落的窘境。帕拉恰克的弟弟是一个赌鬼,嗜赌成性的他欠下了大笔债务无力偿还,索性玩起了失踪。身为哥哥的帕拉恰克无奈之下只得亲自出面,收拾弟弟留下的烂摊子。
债主向帕拉恰克提出了一个可以令债务一笔勾销的条件,那就是让后者迎娶自己的女儿瓦妮达(泰莎昂·派索克乔纶 Taksaorn Paksukjaroen 饰),尽管此时帕拉恰克已经有了一个即将踏入婚姻殿堂的未婚妻,但迫于现实的无奈,他还是答应了这个条件。债主告诉瓦妮达,帕拉恰克是因为爱上了她才会娶她为妻,天真的瓦妮达相信了这个谎言,满心喜悦的等待着属于她的新婚之夜。
4.0 泰剧彩虹
6.0 花中寻凶:死亡与鲜花
1.0 小莲和阿宽
8.0 骗骗大小姐
4.0 最后的时光
2025 泰国简介: Ryu is a skilled young writer who has a girlfriend, Pin, who he's dated since high school. They love each other and plan to marry. But perhaps because of Ryu's fate, he loses her forever in a car accident. Ryu blames himself. He withdraws and starts leaning on alcohol. With the arrival of Arm, the grandson of the owner of the company where Ryu works, and their gradual relationship, Ryu's world begins to brighten again. When Ryu finds out that he has cancer and may not have long to live, Arm goes all in caring for him and the two decide to live together. However, the world is always cruel. When Arm and Ryu learn the truth of something that tears them apart, Ryu disappears from Arm's life. Arm tries every means to find Ryu without any luck, until finally, Arm gets a box. This box contains all the answers. -
8.0 穿越时光爱上你