Nanthisa, the dashing girl of the company, she is the head of personal department and is the person whose should see other to follow the company's rules but she was the one who always break it. She come to work late everyday because her house is faraway from the company and she has to wait for the permission from hers grandmother and mother before going to work, which result in...
10.0 名门绅士2:淑女之心之纯白之恋篇
1.0 梦中的她
3.0 佳期如许
2024 泰国简介: 讲述医生与拳击手的爱情故事。 Wandee一直在为暗恋的人做个乖乖仔,以为这样暗恋对象会喜欢,但最终告白后还是遭受了情伤,他决定不要再做个乖乖仔了,就叛逆地喝了个烂醉并且在偶遇Yeo-Yak后决定要跟外表凶悍很像不法分子的Yeo-Yak发生关系。在跟Yeo-Yak419后,Wandee想要再找Yeo-Yak做,但是Yeo-Yak已经有喜欢的人了并准备表白所以婉拒了。可是正巧,Yeo-Yak也被喜欢的人拒绝了,伤心加愤怒的他跑去找wandee,他们成为了长期的床伴。然后...他们换着各种花样做,接着他们的感情就开始变质了! ~ ~ ~改编自纳塔霍恩(小鹰)的小说《旺迪·维特塔亚》。 -
3.0 名门绅士之缘定芳林
3.0 名门绅士2: 淑女之心之心禧相医
5.0 试探的爱