依照法律拘捕东铁集团首脑时,特搜组干警江Sir(任达华 饰)遇到神秘女子叶风(张敏 饰),开枪击落她的手掌,叶风丢下铁手掌离去,江Sir怀疑她是机器人,开始特别留意她的行踪。高杰(袁咏仪 饰)率四名助手于某夜潜入东铁集团大楼准备盗取宝物秦黄石,要到手时,遇到也为秦皇石而来的叶风,两人展开争夺,高杰携石逃走。江Sir奉命追查此案,但效果令东铁集团新首脑龙羽(黄志强 饰)与得力助手由田哲(李健生 饰)颇为不满,两人开始追杀叶风和高杰众人,但江Sir没放弃尽职尽责。追逐中,神秘的叶风和江Sir渐渐生出感情,而他们两人又与高杰和东铁集团一干人展开四角争夺战,敌我关系一时复杂难辨。
3.0 女侦探司马楠之箱尸谜案
1.0 修复The Fix
6.0 曼谷战狼
9.0 怒劫运钞车
2.0 血与油
2024 动作简介:Colombian music icon Juanes plays Moisés, the eldest of three brothers plying this perilous trade and the linchpin of the operation, while Alberto Guerra delivers a compelling performance as Ulises, a man paralyzed by conflicting decisions and haunted by fear and grief. When Juan (Alejandro Speitzer) — the youngest of the brothers — is coerced into working for a more powerful, rival criminal organization, the shocking underbelly of the business is laid bare and there are tragic consequences. -
7.0 必殺仕事人2023