滨海市城北某仓库发生一起爆炸事件,轰动全城。特警队排爆组长徐忠民在调查中发现,现场爆炸残留物与八年前的“六一一”案件极为相似。八年前,滨海市某珠宝店发生一起恶性抢劫爆炸案。徐忠民拆弹失败,导致嫌犯柴智峰身亡,悍匪阿鬼和刁叔趁机逃离现场,从此销声匿迹,此即“六一一”案件。徐忠民内心自责,多年来照顾着柴智峰的母亲和弟弟柴智飞。 公安局将此次爆炸案与“六一一”案件并案处理,指示徐忠民与刑警队邱洁成立专案组联合破案,与犯罪分子展开了争分夺秒的生死较量。而在同一天的凌晨,从监狱释放的阿鬼偷渡来到滨海市,与刁叔在某仓库碰头。一场突如其来的爆炸,引得鬼刁双方出动人马,角逐互杀…究竟,谁才是这一切的幕后真凶?
1.0 威廉·退尔
2.0 恶行之外
5.0 忍者蝙蝠侠大战极道联盟
2025 动作简介:Only a day after returning from the past, Batman and his allies discover that the world isn't quite the same as they left it. The entire island of Japan no longer exists and neither do the heroes of the Justice League. But before they can get a handle on what is going on, yakuza literally start raining from the skies. -
4.0 恶兽
9.0 赤血营救
9.0 内心之火