清末民初,国内军阀拥兵自立,群雄割据。在众多势力中以广东军阀雷洪最差,钩结外国势力,出卖中国情报。国内义士无不想杀之而后快。上海精武会派又廷到广东刺杀雷洪。神庙刺杀雷洪失败,蒙脸的又廷遇见青梅竹马的秀慧 ( 雷洪的妾待)。又廷和义父两人受伤败走。为了义父的药费,又廷迫于无奈,参加雷大帅的地下拳赛。与此同时,郭天派迷踪拳高手唐傲参予赛事,目的刺杀雷洪,可惜都失败而逃。
9.0 老狗2025
3.0 虎口夺金
5.0 破碎
1.0 九州千秋令
3.0 在失落之地
5.0 哈根2024
2024 动作简介: With a sense of duty and iron toughness, the Burgundian weapon master Hagen von Tronje holds the crisis-ridden kingdom together. In doing so, he suppresses his secret love for the king's daughter Kriemhild and represses his own dark past. When the legendary dragon slayer Siegfried of Xanten appears in Worms and threatens the old structures with his unpredictable nature, Hagen progressively turns into a tragic figure. The fantasy film is a new interpretation of the Nibelung saga and captivates with its fantastic scenery and brilliantly choreographed combat scenes.