故事发生在金碧辉煌的苔梨园大酒店中,这间金玉其外的酒店其实早已经败絮其中,贪赃枉法、坑蒙拐骗之事屡屡发生,早已经不是什么稀奇事了。黄自勤(陈树成 饰)是业务部的经历,亦是整个酒店上下唯一清白的所在。
某日,富商何宏生(潘恩 饰)想要在酒店举办一个豪华宴席,采购部经理陈业(邬伟强 饰)想要乘机打捞一笔,却被黄自勤揭穿。之后,何宏生的女儿晓恬(陈莉萍 饰)来酒店开房,不巧遭到了一群纨绔子弟的调戏和骚扰,所幸得到了黄自勤的出手相助,才得以幸免于难。得知了女儿的越轨行为,何宏生大发雷霆,父女两人当众吵了起来。黄自勤细心安慰,苦心开导,使得晓恬对他芳心暗许。
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8.0 Bergerac
2025 欧美简介: Bergerac will be based on the original series created by Robert Banks Stewart, which starred John Nettles and ran for nine series on the BBC between 1981 and 1991. The modern re-imagining will honour the iconic detective drama, but with a contemporary twist, as Bergerac thrown into a knotty, high-stakes police investigation and challenged to his very core. He will be forced to confront his demons, while trying to save his family and career. Unlike the original hit from the 80s, the new series will see one character-led murder mystery run across all six episodes, in place of a new storyline each episode. -
6.0 大卫王朝