钟庆生(万梓良 饰)是一个利欲熏心为了牟利不惜出卖亲人的商人,他的堂弟钟庆堂(李铭顺 饰)亲眼目睹了堂哥是如何一步一步使自己失去父母家破人亡,他将憎恨和愤怒埋藏在心底,发誓有朝一日一定要报仇雪恨。向来心狠手辣不择手段的钟庆生在商场中树敌无数,终于因为一场事故身败名裂,最终在钟庆堂的设计之下锒铛入狱。 一晃眼多年过去,钟庆生终于结束了牢狱生涯重获自由,这段经历令他改头换面,彻底放下了过去,在菜市场摆摊卖起了猪肉,并且结识了名为美南(陈莉萍)的女子,两人之间产生了真挚的感情。这边厢,钟庆堂取代了钟庆生的位置成为了集团董事主席。
10.0 不可遗忘第六季
2025 欧美简介: The series begins when suspected human remains are uncovered on Whitney Marsh - Jess and Sunny are immediately called to the scene, abandoning their evening plans to Jess’s husband’s chagrin. Dr Balcombe’s analysis reveals that the remains are relatively recent and suggest a grim conclusion: the body was placed there already dismembered. With this insight, Jess and Sunny intensify their search certain that other body parts may not be far away. As the investigation unfolds, viewers are introduced to a diverse new cast of characters: Melinda Ricci, an outspoken television commentator based in Ireland; Martin ‘Marty’ Baines, an autistic man living with his mother Dot in Deal, Kent; Asif Syed, an Afghan training for his UK citizenship test; and Juliet Cooper, a history lecturer and faculty head at a London university. While these characters live seemingly separate lives, they are intricately connected by their pasts. It’s up to Jess, Sunny, and their dedicated team to uncover these hidden links and ultimately expose the truth behind the cold case murder. -
4.0 鹦鹉螺号
7.0 海军罪案调查处:悉尼第二季
6.0 心脏染色
5.0 黑暗智宅
1.0 神效苹果醋