1980年代,江南某农村。谷家湾生产队副队长谷正茂(陈述饰)和女儿小兰(陈鸿梅 饰)整日醉心科学种田,小兰妈(李玲君 饰)却为女儿的婚事暗暗着急。一天,小兰妈无意结识邻村也为儿子刘纯(朱顺良 饰)婚事发愁的祝二婶(高淬 饰),俩人相见恨晚,并商定择日让儿女相亲。相亲当日阴差阳错,小兰埋怨母亲不该骗她来相亲,刘纯则借机跟谷正茂来到谷家。祝二婶见儿子逃脱,便将堂侄祝兴(毛永明 饰)拉来冒充,小兰见假刘纯一表人才,颇为中意,不料却遭双方儿女的反对。同是种田迷的刘纯与小兰在劳动中产生感情,金秋时节,两人共同培育的新稻种获得丰收......
2.0 好东西2024
4.0 痴人之爱 逆转
2.0 酷儿
7.0 封城爱人
2023 爱情简介: Set in Melbourne, Australia during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, Kristal (Kate Mayhew) is enjoying the last few days of her trip to Australia when she meets Lisette (Stevie McKeon) on a night out in the city. The pair are saying farewell after a one-night stand, when news of Melbourne's border closure reaches them - unable to return to Canada Kristal accepts Lisette's invitation to stay with her during the citywide lock-down. Can these two perfect strangest survive a month together or will their differences drive them apart? -
8.0 老师的善意谎言
5.0 痴人之爱逆转