利欲熏心的地产商为了开发蛇王岛,重金收买以金老四(王洪千 饰)为首的黑市捕蛇团伙,企图登岛扫清蛇患。为了印证泰坦巨蟒存在的传说,身为蛇王后人的陈峥(刘林城 饰)联手动物保护专家周晓晓(邵芸 饰)与金老四展开搏命厮杀,而蛇王岛上发生的一切,不断挑战着人性的最后底线……
3.0 虎口夺金
5.0 破碎
1.0 九州千秋令
3.0 在失落之地
5.0 哈根2024
2024 动作简介: With a sense of duty and iron toughness, the Burgundian weapon master Hagen von Tronje holds the crisis-ridden kingdom together. In doing so, he suppresses his secret love for the king's daughter Kriemhild and represses his own dark past. When the legendary dragon slayer Siegfried of Xanten appears in Worms and threatens the old structures with his unpredictable nature, Hagen progressively turns into a tragic figure. The fantasy film is a new interpretation of the Nibelung saga and captivates with its fantastic scenery and brilliantly choreographed combat scenes. -
3.0 苍月