故事主要讲述猎海参军后裔吴秦(陈小春 饰)与琉璃(王伊瑶 饰)、杜长风(赵廷峪 饰)、龙忻(张雪琪 饰)组成猎海天团,共赴归墟秘境探寻长生之谜的故事。影片中,为寻找能“活死人、肉白骨”的归墟石,众人踏上凶险万分的探险之路,另一支神秘组织也在蠢蠢欲动,为争夺终极宝藏,两方人员暗流涌动交锋不断。摆在猎海天团面前的不仅有海底墓的凶险,还有内部人员的心怀鬼胎,他们能否成功揭秘归墟石的秘密?双方之间的较量谁能更胜一筹?
9.0 老狗2025
3.0 虎口夺金
5.0 破碎
1.0 九州千秋令
3.0 在失落之地
5.0 哈根2024
2024 动作简介: With a sense of duty and iron toughness, the Burgundian weapon master Hagen von Tronje holds the crisis-ridden kingdom together. In doing so, he suppresses his secret love for the king's daughter Kriemhild and represses his own dark past. When the legendary dragon slayer Siegfried of Xanten appears in Worms and threatens the old structures with his unpredictable nature, Hagen progressively turns into a tragic figure. The fantasy film is a new interpretation of the Nibelung saga and captivates with its fantastic scenery and brilliantly choreographed combat scenes.