远山樱(筱原凉子 饰),一个39岁依然单身的大妈级人物,虽然任职于某高端美发店,但她生活中邋邋遢遢,不修边幅,爱情没有着落,工作中又吃力不讨好。苦熬多年始终没能混成分店店长,而一向和她势同水火的同期立花凛太郎(藤木直人 饰)则空降成为远山的顶头上司。山大的压力和无尽烦恼,竟然令远山长出了胡子!是时候该寻找一段恋情了。在此关键时刻,经常光顾美发店的千金大小姐大神千代子(菜菜绪 饰)授意肉食型男佐伯宏斗(三浦春马 饰)接近远山。
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4.0 转生贵族靠着鉴定技能一飞冲天第二季
3.0 彷佛清新气息
6.0 冲浪救援队
2024 日本简介:Rescue: HI-Surf is an action drama that follows the personal and professional lives of the heavy-water lifeguards who patrol and protect the North Shore of O’ahu—the most famous and dangerous stretch of coastline in the world. Each episode will feature these dedicated, heroic, and adrenaline-seeking first-responders saving lives in the difficult and often life-threatening condi... -
4.0 追踪者游戏W2